Sales Agreement
Please read complete document!
All puppies are sold with limited registration as "pets only" unless other arrangements are made with the breeder. This puppy is guaranteed to be in good health, to the best of my knowledge, at the time of the sale. Current health record will be included at time of the sale. Current health record will be included at the time of sale. The buyer will have 48 hours after the sale to have the puppy examined by a licensed veterinarian at the buyer's expense. The examination MUST include a stool check. Failure to have puppy examined including a stool check with the 48-hour time frame will void the guarantee. If the vet finds any health problems or defects the buyer may return the puppy for a full refund of the purchase price or exchange the puppy for another if available. A letter from the examining vet must be provided to the seller documenting the health problems or defects. All arrangements must be made within 48 hours from the time of the sale.
The seller assumes NO responsibility, except as specified above, once the puppy leaves the premises. Upon leaving the premises, the puppy becomes the responsibility of the buyer. Under NO circumstances will the seller assume any financial responsibility for any vet bills. Period. All medical expenses including the cost of the exam will be the buyer's responsibility. Seller is no responsible for mortality, landlord disapproval, allergy of family members, disagreement of family, etc. Puppy can only be returned for documented health problems or defects provided it is within 48 hours of sale.
This puppy has been on a worming program, as is indicated in the health record provided to you by the seller, and "should" be worm and parasite free however it is impossible to guarantee that the puppy will be 100% free. Fleas and worms are common problems when owning a pet and a repeat of the treatment may be needed. It is not a reason for alarm. Once the puppy has matured treatment for fleas, worms, and other parasites should be repeated on an ongoing schedule. This will be confirmed by your vet. DO NOT treat this puppy with any commercial sprays or dips without first consulting with your vet.
Both parents are AKC registered Yorkshire Terriers with a pedigreed background. This quality bloodline is the result of careful and selective breeding and as a result all puppies are sold with a limited registration to preserve the quality and integrity of the bloodline.
I the buyer have read, understand and agree to the terms of the above sales contract. I understand this guarantee is good for 48 hours from the time of sale. I understand this is not a guarantee to the puppy's disposition, size confirmation and/or breeding capabilities. I understand the puppy is sold with limited registration.